Friday, December 5, 2008

The Verdict Is In

Jonathan had his appointment today with the Pediatric ENT at Children's Hospital. They ran a spaghetti sized scope through his nose and down his throat (which of course he was not happy about). They sent us home with a video of what they taped while scoping him and gave him an official diagnosis of Laryngomalacia (lă-ring′gō-mă-lā′shē-ă).

On the video, you can clearly see where his airways should be open, but the cartilage around the opening collapses, thus causing him to work harder to breathe and resulting in the stidorous sound we hear.

Since Jonathan is thriving (eating well, gaining weight) the Dr. does not believe surgical intervention is required. If for some reason he begins having extreme difficulties breathing or begins failing to thrive, they would remove some of the excess causing the problem with a laser.

Honestly, I thought I would feel an overwhelming sense of relief when we received his official diagnosis. While part of me was thankful to finally hear the words "Yes, your son has Laryngomalacia" - there was another part of me that was so sad. No Mom wants to know that rapid, striderous breathing and chest retractions are going to become common in the world of their new little baby. Although I am so grateful to know this is something he will outgrow, it will be hard to watch him struggling over the next few months.

Yesterday during our bible study, we took turns reading various verses. I don't think it was coincidence that my verses were:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

And Stephanie...the next verses are the ones about "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right...." Thank you for walking me through my "What is Truth" moment this morning. I can confidently say that Truth is: God is Sovereign and God is Good and on that will I place my thoughts.

We pulled out the camera during Jonathan's appointment, but the procedure was a bit traumatic for him. We couldn't bring ourselves to take a picture. So instead, we took a picture on our way out - celebrating that we're done!

Do you know how many people commented on his mohawk? And NO, we did not style it like that...God did!


The Earnhardt Family said...

Wow, you're going to have some rough months ahead :-( BUT I am so glad they have made a firm diagnosis, and that they zoomed thru all the appointments and procedures to make sure his health was top priority!

We'll continue to pray for you all, for Jonathan and his breathing and continuing to eat well, for you and your sanity and a peace of mind that only God can provide!

If I haven't said it before, he is soooooo cute! And his hair is sooooo awesome!!! ;-D

The Earnhardt Family said...

I am praying for a quicker than normal growth for precious Jonathan's laynx. I will hope for more good days than tough ones. Can't wait to see you both soon.

Wagner's said...

What a relief, but I can totally understand that it's only partly that for you. He'll continue to be in our prayers. And can I just say that his hair is so darn cute- I love it!

Kristin said...

Hee hee... mohawks are in! I've seen several babies sporting that hair-do. We'll continue to pray!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing with us about Jonathan. And thank you for sharing with me on Sunday. He is so dang cute.....! I will be praying for that little guy. And you and Jimmy....that you get the rest you need :)