Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning

The boys were the first up today - heading downstairs around 6:45. After about 10 minutes, we figured we better head down and make sure they weren't getting into presents or stockings. Obviously we had a great time celebrating at Grandma & Grandpa's last night because rather than finding them in the living room in front of our Christmas tree - they were in the family room playing with their Christmas Eve toys. They had completely forgotten there were new gifts under OUR tree!

Everyone was up by 7:15 and ready to check out their stockings. There is certainly something magical about opening your gifts while watching the snow falling outside. What a blessing to have a white Christmas! After a leisurely morning of enjoying our new goodies, eating waffles and watching The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, it was time to pack up for our Finnestad Family Christmas.

Boys Checking Out the Tree (once they remembered)
Sy's Hoop
One of Many Fun Games They Got This Year
Leela Loves Little Mermaid
Jonathan's Special Present
Daddy's New 5 x 5 Rubix Cube

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

A 5X5 RUBIKS CUBE?!?!? OH MY DEAR LORD!!! That's insane...but of anyone, Jimmy's the one to figure it out!

You're gonna have to keep a close watch on that Little Mermaid Bubble Book, Juliana just might heist that one... (however you spell that..."STEAL IT!")

That is a GREAT picture of Jonathan in his bouncer thingy, SO CUTE!!!

And lastly, how wonderful is it to see your five children in front of the tree with their nifty stockings?!? I love it!!!