Thursday, December 11, 2008

A New Stocking to Love

The stockings are hung by my chimney with care
And thanks to my Mom, all 7 are there!!

Growing up each member of my family had their own handmade stocking on display every Christmas. My mom has since made stockings for each member of our families now - yes, me, my sisters, our husbands and each of her 10 grandchildren. I can't even imagine the countless number of hours she has invested into these treasured gems!

Today Jonathan received his special stocking. When Abby & James came home from school, they noticed the new addition immediately. All of the kids hovered around it ooh'ing and ahh'ing, talking about how much they love their stockings. Thank you so much Mom!


The Williams Five said...

I love this pic of Grandma and grandson! I miss you all so much!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Mom does SO great at those stockings, it is so nice of her to do those for everyone in the family!!! So...are you going to make her to one more, or is she done?!? ;-D