Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wonderful, Whirlwind Weekend

Friday night our 4 oldest had a slumber party date with their cousins Amanda & Elizabeth at Grandma & Grandpa Finnestad's house. They watched movies, ate Safeway Chinese and had a ball playing together. Jimmy & I took advantage of the fact we only had one child at home with us and met the Currey's for a double date. We watched Mall Cop at the $2 theater then hopped over to Marie Calendar's for dinner/dessert. It was so fun being "couples" together...the night flew by. Before we knew it, we realized employees were counting money in the till and the restaurant was pretty much vacant.

Saturday morning, we headed out early to pick up the kids. Abby & I had a Mother's Day brunch to attend with Grandma Hirst and Aunt Denise down at Stephanie Earnhardts church. Jimmy stayed behind with the other kids to spend time with his mom for Mother's Day.

The brunch was a blessing and we were challenged to consider what kind of "Spiritual Will" (or legacy) we are purposing to leave behind to our children and others who are watching us live. It was fun having Abby & Mikayla at our table. My mom & sister will be the first to tell you that there is truth to the statement "Never a dull moment at the Finnestads." Abby was rather giggly and talkative the entire way home. I wonder where she gets that from? Mom & Denise, don't forget to check your mail sometime in the next month :)

Immediately after the brunch, it was time to pack up and head to the Seattle Children's Museum to celebrate our next door neighbor's 3rd birthday. We haven't been there since the month before Josiah was born! The kids LOVED it!!

Here's James in 2004...and again 5 years later.
After the museum, we headed over to the fountain where we jokingly told the kids to "stay dry", knowing full well that was really not an option. What perfect weather for some fountain fun. Clearly, they loved every second of it and walked away soaking wet. Fortunately, we still had suitcases packed in the back of the car from their cousin's slumber party. Next it was off to dinner and REI before heading home to crash!

The weekend's not even over yet. Tomorrow is Mother's Day! I can only imagine what my little crew has up their sleeve for tomorrow. I will joyfully oblige my daughter's request to "stay in bed" in the morning until they are all ready. I suppose I will sleep in...if I have to :)

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

What a full day you had!!! I'm so glad you had such a great date night with the Curreys! Ahhh, so nice... Now Kevin needs to get on that dance floor!

I had such a good time at the brunch with you guys, and had fun being auntie in the car with Abby :-) I don't often get to do that!

Such fun pictures! I can't wait to hear and see how today went for you!