Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Camping

I'll admit it, I was a little apprehensive about this year's camping season. The thought of packing everything up for five children, one of which is still waking up in the middle of the night (a night which could be only 30°) didn't sound very appealing. Fortunately, we are surrounded by an incredible group of encouraging and motivating friends.(sadly, we're missing quite a few people in this shot but it's the only "group" one we ended up with)

The preparations were so worth the effort. We had an amazing weekend full of sunshine, dear friends, hiking, river fun, biking and just hanging out enjoying our time together. We are anxiously awaiting our next trip!

As is customary, we spend our first afternoon hiking in the hills for the perfect firewood...which typically proves to be a large, dead tree. This year was certainly no exception. Then men came through and the kids were thrilled!

The boys love finding the largest rock they can possibly pick up. Here is Josiah with his trophy!

This was classic: Aliya saying "I nope dirty Mama!" Then I showed her a mirror. Shocked at what she saw, she asked "Who did that to me Mama?"

Do you think Jonathan is enjoying his first camping trip? I can't forget to add - Jonathan got his FIRST TWO TEETH while we were camping! YAY!!

One of the best parts of camping, time around the campfire and making s'mores!
Aliya sharing hers with Mr. Currey!

Cute cousins Juliana and Josiah

Not sure which I should be commenting hot husband or how cute Matt & Denise are together :)

Jonathan being thoroughly entertained by Ron!

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

I am soooo glad you perservered!!! I love camping with you :-) Not exactly easy to chit chat with that many kids and age levels, but we all did it! I can't wait to go camping with you again!!!

As for "I nope dirty" - I love that you blogged that line, that was so funny! And I hadn't heard about the part when she saw herself and asked who did it to her! That is soooo funny!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!! She's awesome :-)