Monday, May 4, 2009

6 Month Well Child Check

Jonathan had his 6 Month Dr. visit today. He did amazingly well with his shots (much to Josiah and Aliya's surprise). We are happy to say he has almost completely outgrown his laryngomalacia. There are still random moments when we can hear him breathe more loudly than normal, but those moments are becoming fewer and farther between. We're also going to stop his reflux medication and see how he does. Next on the agenda, is tackling his sleep issues. One step at a time!

When it gets down to his stats, I have a difficult time not comparing him to his older siblings. The Dr. will sit down and say: "He's in the 75% for his height" (yep! right on track with where the rest of the crew was at 6 months)..."92% for his head" (ha ha ~ yep! right on track with at least a couple of his siblings)..."At 16 lbs 4 oz, he's 24% for his weight" What??? I have been pumping this boy full of food and yet he still remains a little peanut weight wise. At least he's been consistent and "following the curve."

One curve he has most definitely followed, is the curve around my heart.


Jennifer said...

And you call me fast! You must have posted this within one hour! Way to go...

I love that picture of him sitting. He is growing up way too fast. I can't help wishing he would just stay small for a little while longer.

. La Kris said...

Once you figure out sleeping.. how about you give me some pointers? haha!

I'm so glad he is doing better... and man is he adorable..!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Love the curve comment. You are so witty! Mine too. As they all do. I am praising and rejoicing with you about almost being done with the laryngomalacia!! Praise God.

aaron♥michelle said...

What a cutie!! Glad to hear he's doing better. :) Good luck on the sleeping! I don't know how you manage! I'm struggling with just one and a couple days of no sleep. :}

The Earnhardt Family said...

Oh well aren't you just super cute?!? "the curve around my heart" :-) You're just the best in the west :-)

He is soooooooo cute!!! And tall! I'm so glad he's almost completely out of that laryngo...yaddi yadda phase! So great to hear :-) I sure hope he starts sleeping better for you soon! Momma needs her rest! She's got 5 kids to take care of!!!