Monday, September 21, 2009

Making Progress

Wow - alot has happened in the past couple of weeks on our house project!

September 4th - Our first framed walls went up

September 5th - We further demo'd the shed. James quite enjoyed busting up the sheetrock.

September 8th & 9th - We began tearing our kitchen apart. We no longer have a dishwasher or a kitchen sink. Several cupboards and quite a bit of counter space disappeared, in addition to our sliding glass door and working outlets. I am learning how to wash dishes in a small bathroom sink and make toast in the middle of our family room. It's also quite comical watching my family line up at the dining room window everyday to walk to church or school. I can't imagine there are too many families using their dining room window as their primary entry/exit point.

September 11th - Crane day! 4 large trees were craned out of our backyard, including our beloved "Fire Tree". This was almost more sad for me than losing my dishwasher and sink. Our family loved the "Fire Tree". I think it just might deserve a blog of it's own...

After the trees came out, two very large beams were craned in.

September 17th - Time to drill holes in the beam.

1 comment:

The Williams Five said...

Wow! I can't wait to see the finished product. I love the pics of all the kids. Pics of them sitting and watching the work, pics of them standing and watching the work, pics of them in the empty cupboards! I just wish there was a pic of you doing dishes in the bathroom and making toast in the family room. Where is the pic of the kids going out the dining room window? I love it!! Karen I will be praying for you throughout this process cuz I think you probably need it!!