Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dishes, Dining Room and Delivery

OK Erin, this post is for you.

DISHES: Here's a glimpse at my new "kitchen" sink - look familiar? Believe me, we use as many paper plates as we can...and for the record last night was the first night I actually put dishes on the (towel covered) toilet seat. I don't foresee that becoming a habit :) I am trying to allow God to renew my thinking each time I wash dishes. Rather than grumbling about the inconvenience, I praise him that we even have running water, dishes to use, money to buy dish soap and that this is only a season...

DINING ROOM: Here's the primary entry/exit point in our house. At a minimum, every Sunday and three times a day Monday through Friday you will find us all crawling in and out of this dining room window. Notice the lovely dishwasher we use to brace ourselves on the way in and out.

Even Jonathan enjoys heading out the window. I love that he's holding his little hammer...ready to get to work!

DELIVERY: That window has seen it's share of deliveries lately...from people in and out, to palates of wood being delivered. It was pretty cool to see this load delivered to the 2nd floor of the house!


The Williams Five said...

You're awesome, Karen! Those pics really made my day. Just keep reminding yourself this is just a season...

Jennifer said...

YUCK!!! Clean dishes on the TOILET?!? And you ATE off of those!?! (I hope you can hear me giggling right now!)

I love that you got pictures of everyone using the new back door.

These will be wonderful memories...someday.

Unknown said...

Karen, I love looking at the kids
and the progress on the house.
Aunt Barbie