Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Team Finnestad is on the Case!

There are alot of things on the list of activities my kids would like to accomplish this summer. "Catching Robbers" was not on that list, though I have a feeling that particular event will be one of their most memorable summertime activities!

While riding bikes and scooters around the church parking lot this morning, we noticed a suspicious car with two individuals taking turns walking around the church while the other stayed by the car. Not sure exactly what they were doing, I continued watching the kids and pushing the stroller around, while keeping a close eye on the guys. I had already mentioned to the kids to stay away from that section of the parking lot as I wasn't sure what they were up to. But once I saw one of the men attempting to carry a large projection unit out of the back of the sanctuary, it became very clear what they were doing.

"Finnestads - right here!" The kids were immediately at my feet as we started heading towards the car. Praise the Lord my HOME PHONE works from all the way in the parking lot, so I dialed 9-1-1 while Abby & I repeated their license plate over and over until they answered. The dark haired "perpetrator" saw us coming and ditched the projection unit behind a bush and headed for his car. They made a speedy get-a-way, but not before we were able to communicate what was going on to the 9-1-1 operator.

We went into the church to tell Vicky what had just happened. The staff came rushing outside and the police were there within minutes. The kids were so excited to be able to share what they saw with the police officer. Abby was even able to attempt to identify the men with me via photos a second police officer brought back to the scene. Although the "perps" haven't been caught yet, the license plate information matched the description of the car registered. We're hoping that all of that information, in addition to some other evidence they left behind will help lead officers to the bandits.

What's amazing about all of this (talk about God's Sovereignty)- we normally wouldn't have been riding in the parking lot. We had originally headed out to our cul de sac. Our neighbors were out front and since Aliya has been battling fevers since Sunday afternoon, I didn't want to expose them to anything. So we decided to head out back instead. Crazy!


Michelle said...

What an amazing afternoon! How do you always end up in the "right" places at the "right" time?!? :)

The Finnestad Family said...

Crazy, isn't it? Though if things come in 3's - then I have a feeling our "luck" just ran out. That was #3 for us...time to retire. ha ha!

The Earnhardt Family said...

It sounds like you are giving us ammo for another parody video!! Definitely sounds like the Finnestads. You guys should charge for your services.

. La Kris said...

Maybe the church should start paying you for your services... I'm sure that you saved them quite a bit of money..! Though I'm sure the kids will settle for just the adventure of it all..~

aaron♥michelle said...

Crazy!!! Amen to His soverienty!