Sunday, July 5, 2009

Daddy Daughter Backpack Trip

Abby went on her first official overnight backpacking trip with Daddy this weekend. They hiked to the Upper Greenwater Lakes with Steve and Cami Smith. The girls were fantastic hiking companions geared with full packs, positive attitudes and the energy they needed to get there. This is the same hike Jimmy took the boys on last year with Grandpa Finnestad, although this time they hiked a little farther up to the 2nd lake before setting up camp.

They made it home just in time to join in the 4th of July Festivities...needless to say, Abby was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day. We actually had to go into her room at 9:45 am this morning just to make sure she was OK!


aaron♥michelle said...

How FUN!!! Father-Daughter dates are the BEST! What a memorable weekend for both. :)

The Earnhardt Family said...

What a great daddy/daughter hike! I bet Abby felt so special having that one-on-one time with Jimmy. Very neat!