Monday, July 6, 2009

Coolest Cast EVER!

Thank you Jesus for the Medical Marvels who invented the coolest cast possible for a very active 5 year old boy in the middle of summer - WATERPROOF!!! Can you sense our excitement? I am giddy like a school girl :) Les Gove Waterpark...Grandma's Swimming Pool....Lake Wilderness....Neighborhood we come! Josiah is armed and ready (no pun intended).

Now on to the details: The doctor commented on what a tough kid he was. Most of his patients won't let him touch the site of the break, but Josiah hardly grimaced while the Doctor manipulated his. We've always joked that Sy could take one of his limbs off and hardly notice. He only has to be in the cast for 4 weeks, followed by approximately 2 weeks in a brace. Yahoo!!!


The Earnhardt Family said...

WATERPROOF?!?!? That's awesome! I've never heard of that before! How very very cool!!! And the cast didn't go past his elbow like the splint did, that's cool too! That's so great, glad to hear it won't be for quite as long either!!!

Michelle said...

So cool!!!