Monday, November 3, 2008

You Know You're a Finnestad If...

We've all heard the jokes "You Know You're a Redneck If..." but today, a brief conversation started me thinking about those wonderful traits that define us as Finnestad's. You Know You're a Finnestad when the following conversation is as normal as discussing the weather:

Josiah walking into the kitchen: "Mom, look at these huge worms I found."
Mom: "Wow! Those are so big Sy. Very cool!"
Josiah a little later...back in the house: "Hey Mom, I made them a habitat and found them some friends."
Mom: "You sure have a bunch of them there. Way to go! You may need to release them soon. We don't want them injured."
Josiah after releasing them: "Well, I released them...but I had to kiss them first."
Mom: "Oh really? Did they kiss you back?"
Josiah (eyes rolling slightly): "Mom, they don't have no lips."

End of conversation and on to the next adventure of the day.

Now I'm curious. How would YOUR FAMILY complete that sentence? "You Know You're a __________ If..."??? I'll be looking forward to your responses.


Michelle said...

I think I'd have to say you know you're a Hughes (definitely not a Quinn!) if having dog hair all over your clothes is just part of the fashion!!

Michelle said...

P.S. That's so funny .. and does sound like the times I've been at your house!

The Finnestad Family said...

Yes - that is a very anti-Quinn statement, but a rather funny one!

. La Kris said...

Ummm... I think it is about time for me to get married so I can change my last name.. hahaha

The Williams Five said...

You know you're a Williams if you can add movie lines into your sentences even at the young age of 2!

The Earnhardt Family said...

I am cracking up! At yours AND everyone else's! So funny!!! Dang, I can't think of one for us, we're boring! (well I was going to say something about quoting shows, but Erin basically STOLE that one) (the nerve...) ;-D

The Earnhardt Family said...

OK, as I was just in the kitchen, the kids reminded me of what ours would probably be! You know you're an Earnhardt if Disney and Christmas are just a normal part of your daily life and vocabulary...all year long! (and that probably just about works for the OTHER Earnhardts as well!) ;-D

Wagner's said...

And you know you're a Wagner if music (be it playing, singing, or listening) is an all the time kind of thing....I don't think we have one car ride without one of us singing to a song, or if you're Gabe, making one up!!!!

The Earnhardt Family said...

I have no idea. You know your a momma Earnhardt if you absolutely would not be o.k. with your child kissing the insects and worms in your backyard!! I'll have to ask Greg and see if he can think of a witty response. He's so witty you know.

The Finnestad Family said...

I am cracking up at all of these. Stephanie - I think you had a great one! You could always add, You Know You're an Earnhardt if you have to go to the Finnestad's to get dirty and hold bugs :)

Erin, yours is so right on too! I will never forget sitting around the dinner table at your house & you & Steve were quoting Blues Brothers or something like that. We were clueless & you two were cracking up.

Lisa, music...yeah that IS a perfect one. Didn't the Bradey Bunch start a band? Maybe something for you to consider.

Denise, Disney and Christmas totally defines your family. And a combination of the two (a Disney Christmas) is even better!

Jennifer said...

I love it!

You know you are a Currey if...

Every time you enter the kitchen you see at least one child...climbing on, walking on, standing on, or laying down on...the top of the counters!

Or if you have at least one child...on your hip all day long, or if you move from room to room through out the house trying to get a moment of alone time...only to give up because they just keep following you!

Kevin says... You know you are a Currey if...

you fall, you fail, you get up and say I'm ok and try again. No giving up.
Jen adds- you say (through tears) "I'm okay...I suck it up!"