Sunday, November 16, 2008

Playing Catch-up

Our first few weeks home with Jonathan have been a whirlwind of various events, many of which we've captured on our camera but not on our blog. Here's my attempt to play catch up.

We had our very first visitors within 2 hours of arriving home from the hospital the day after Jonathan was born...Aunt Kimberly and cousins Amanda and Elizabeth.

On Saturday the 8th, Jimmy took James to his first roller skating birthday party. The two of them had a blast skating together and James is now begging for a skating party of his own one day. The practice was good for Jimmy who then took Abby to her first roller skating party the following day after church. He even participated in a speed skate competition and came in 2nd place. Abby was so proud of her Dad. I'm just sad we didn't get pictures of either event. We're hoping to plan a family trip to the rink soon, so there may be pictures down the road.

Veteran's Day marked Jonathan's 2 week "birthday" and well child check. The Dr. said he was doing great and measured in at exactly 8 lbs and 21-1/4". While we were at his appointment, the Earnhardt's were here playing. Jonathan & I were anxious to get back to the house to join the fun.

On Friday the 14th Daddy took the older 3 kids on a date to see High School Musical on Ice. There they met up with Aunt Stephanie, Kyra, Maya and two of their friends. The kids loved the show and can't wait to try ice skating for themselves. Now, it may be awhile before we attempt that family outing. Until then, we'll leave it to the pro's and enjoy Disney on Ice again in the future.

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

Yes, you have been quite the slacker lately! What could possibly be keeping you from blogging??? ;-D

Great catch-up! I loved all the pictures!!! He's such a cutie pie, I love his mohawk, it's awesome :-) And very cool about the skate parties! And Disney On Ice, of course I'm all over that one! I wish my kids were into that so we could have gone! :o)