Monday, November 24, 2008

Showers of Laughter

Most of the Baby Showers I've attended are full of sweet, quiet, tender moments celebrating the arrival of a precious baby. While yesterday had plenty of those moments (in fact Heather Young's beautiful devotion brought me to tears at times), it was also full of something else: Laughter. Lots of laughter!! In fact, my stomach still hurts from laughing so hard.

I can't even fathom the amount of time, thought, energy and love that was put into all of the planning...and especially into that crazy video Stephanie, Lisa, Denise, and Jennifer put together. The theme of the shower was "John Deere", with little tractor decorations all throughout the house. There were special touches all over the place - pictures of our family in little frames in various places, a photo album chronicling Jonathan's birth, they even wore John Deere shirts to celebrate!

Even the Bingo game, which Abby was thrilled to help create, was made especially for our new little bundle of joy.

Jonathan had the privilege of meeting his Great Grandma Leah for the first time too!

I felt so blessed by my dear family and friends who came to celebrate little Jonathan's life with us. Thank you SO very much to each one of you.


The Earnhardt Family said...

All I'll say is "You Deserve The Best!!!"

The Earnhardt Family said...

Yah! You deserve the best. And I would like a laptop for Christmas!!