Monday, October 27, 2008

Timely Devotional

A couple of days ago I blogged about God's Sovereignty and timing. I should further explain what prompted that conversation with our family. Every night when we put the kids to bed, we read to them from our family devotional. A couple of nights ago I had to smile as I heard Jimmy reading the following devotion:

"He will call upon Me, and I will answer him." Psalm 91:15

Every night at the end of her prayers, Mimi said "And please God, let me have a bike for my birthday." Mimi's mother didn't have alot of money. Mother wanted to get Mimi a bike, but when her birthday came, she still didn't have enough money.

Mother worried that Mimi might not trust God anymore if she didn't get her bike. She had prayed so long for one. After Mimi opened her birthday presents, mother said "Honey, I'm sorry you didn't get a bike. But don't blame God for not answering your prayers, I just didn't have enough money."

Mimi replied, "God answered my prayers Mom. He just said, 'No, not yet,' He'll give you the money when He wants me to have a bike."

God doesn't always say yes to our prayers...sometimes the answer is no or wait. God knows the best answer for us. Like Mimi, we must trust that He loves us even when He says no or not yet. God always listens to His children's prayers and in the Bible He promises "I will answer."

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As a family, we can thank God that He knows the best time for Jonathan to arrive.


The Earnhardt Family said...

What a beautiful reminder of His sovereignty in every area of our lives. When Jonathan does arrive he will be greeted with joyful expressions of love I'm sure.

The Williams Five said...

What a great devotional and a great thing for the kids to learn. I just might read that to my kids! And I'm sure Jonathan knows when the right time to come is just as God does. Brian talks about before he was born how he lived in heaven with God and how he knew God then. Maybe Jonathan just isn't ready to give that up yet!

The Earnhardt Family said...

What perfect timing! (unfortunately) ;-D That was definitely a great devotional - family wide! I am soooo very excited to meet Baby Jonathan, have I told you that??? ;-) But in God's timing, I can be patient along with you :-)

Wagner's said...

Oh, all right, I guess I can wait for His timing too......sigh... :)