Friday, October 31, 2008

A Busy Day 3

Day 3 of Jonathan's life proved to be very eventful. He had his follow-up appointment with the pediatrician, had bloodwork done to check his jaundice levels and attended two Harvest Parties at the kids' school. James and Abby couldn't have been more proud to introduce their new baby brother to their classmates.

Abby and Mr. Thompson

James and Ms. Lutes


. La Kris said...

Karen.. only you would bring your 3 day old baby to multiple parties in one day...! I don´t know how you do it... but the pictures are adorable!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Wow, you are a wee bit crazy...ONLY YOU! That's cool though, fun that the kids got to show off their baby brother at such a young age!!!