Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jonathan Daniel Finnestad

We are so thrilled to announce the addition of Jonathan Daniel to our family. He was born at 10:21 am on Tuesday, October 28th weighing 7 lbs 11 oz and measuring 18½".

His birth was filled with so many emotions...too many for me to be able to blog about quickly. I was most overwhelmed with gratitude, deep appreciation to God for allowing Jonathan to enter safely into our arms - especially after some very scary moments during delivery.

His older siblings can't get enough of him. We love watching them cuddle him and take so much delight in him.


The Earnhardt Family said...

You have such an amazing family, I am SO happy for you! Jonathan is entering a family full of love and life lived fully! You are an inspiration to us all, and I am just purely ECSTATIC to welcome Jonathan into our big happy family!!! He has no idea what he's coming into... ;-D

aaron♥michelle said...

Congratulations and welcome baby Jonathan!!! :) Glad to hear everyone's well. Looking forward to meeting the newest Finnestad! :)

Blessings to all of you!!!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Congratulations again. God is truely good!

. La Kris said...

I love the pictures... you look amazing.. Jimmy looks like he gave birth.. and Jonathan is adorable!

Kristin said...

Congratulations!! We are so excited for you guys. We love your blog.