Saturday, October 25, 2008

Soccer Season Finale

This morning marked the official end of the boys' soccer season for 2008. They both played hard and enjoyed having Grandma & Grandpa Hirst and the Currey family come watch. James' Soccer/Trophy party was held after his game today. His coach commended him for his excellent performance as a forward, a defender and even a goalie. She said "He does it all and loves it all!" He is very proud of his new trophy. Josiah gets to celebrate with his team next Saturday, so be on the lookout for his pictures.


Wagner's said...

What fun!!! Wish we could have made it to a game- next year!

Don and Carol said...

We really enjoyed the games we were able to make this year. All the kids played so hard and did so well.

The Earnhardt Family said...

Well that was certainly nice of Jonathan to let your kids finish out the soccer season! How very thoughtful of him :-) But enough is enough, he can come out now... Anywho, that's so great that you had such great weather for the boys' last soccer games!!! I love those trophies, super cool!!!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Way to go James!!