Thursday, October 16, 2008

Aliya's Special Baby

Breaking News in the Finnestad Household...After a 15 second labor, Aliya has officially given birth to the "baby" she has been carrying around everywhere this past week. Although to most of you this looks like the same pumpkin she decorated at last week's Octoberfest, in reality it is her baby...appropriately named "Tiny Pumpkin".

Tiny Pumpkin has occupied a special space in Aliya's bed every night this week and has gone just about everywhere with us. Tiny Pumpkin has been introduced to many of our neighbors and has proven quite resilient, surviving numerous falls off the kitchen counter and rolls down the driveway.

One can only hope baby Jonathan arrives as quickly and painlessly as that! Well, maybe not quite that quick!


The Earnhardt Family said...

HA HA HA HA HA. You know the irony is that she actually looks just like you do proportionately. You are so cute and round like that.

The Earnhardt Family said...

Oh my goodness, I feel like I'm looking at Abby!!! Wow, that was a "look twice" moment!

I'm so glad she had such a successful delivery, I've been praying for her... ;-)

And let's just hope she doesn't treat the NEXT baby in the same manner! I don't think he'd be quite so resilient :o)