Saturday, January 2, 2010

Revival and Rejoicing

I am so behind in blogging, but rather than playing catch up tonight I'm celebrating another year of blessings and refining. God disciplines those He loves and boy have I been feeling loved lately :) It makes me all the more excited for the theme He has given me for 2010 "Revival and Rejoicing". I've had a feeling for a couple of months now that the theme would focus on Praise - glorifying God through every circumstance of everyday. How can He not receive the glory for any reviving being done in my life?

I'm curious if anyone else ever has a theme or verse they pray over for a season? Praying for a year full of Revival and Rejoicing for each of you! Thank you Jesus!!


Unknown said...

Karen, It is a joy to keep on your family and your precious

Blessings to you and your wonderful

The Earnhardt Family said...

Last year felt like a year of "change" for me and our family, 2010 feels like it will be "refining". Molding and shaping my & my families lives... spiritually, physically, as a family unit, etc. I'm excited to see what this year holds - for BOTH of us!!!

aaron♥michelle said...

I must be a slow learner because I feel like I've had the same "theme" or focus for many years now! I'm sure there are others if I really thought about it, but I guess years of forming certain habits don't change overnight...or in my case, one year... :} Living each moment to the fullest and experiencing it in whatever it brings - pain, joy, or both! Not rushing off to the next thing or dwelling on the past... Anyways, not very consise, but I guess that's just me. :)

Thanks for blessing us by sharing parts of your journey with us. I agree with wesley! :)
