Friday, July 31, 2009

Unexpected Phone Call

Ring Ring! Jennifer Currey called yesterday asking what I was doing. I began rambling on:

"I just finished making a Rhubarb Custard Pie with the hoping to catch up on laundry...blah blah blah. What are you doing Jen?"

"Just sitting here holding my baby girl."

WHAT?!?!?!? Kevin could hear my scream through the phone from where he was standing across the room. She wasn't kidding and I couldn't be more thrilled for their family. Welcome sweet baby Mayla Lynn.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Keeping Cool This Week

It's been hot, that's for sure - with temps over 100 yesterday! We've managed to stay cool this week with help from some wonderful family and friends! Monday we got to hang out with the Earnhardt crew down in Puyallup.Here's Stephanie feeding her baby birds. She has two new best friends now!
They have the coolest inflatable water slide. The kids had a blast!

Tuesday afternoon we headed to Grandma Hirst's house to swim in the pool with the Hirst cousins. No pictures this time...we were too busy swimming :)

Wednesday we met up with the Currey crew, Aunt Kristin, Aunt Kim, Amanda and Elizabeth to swim at Lake Wilderness.

After a long fun day, Auntie Kristin even managed a run through the sprinkler with the kids to cool off one last time.Even Jonathan got in on the sprinkler fun.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Remembering Timothy

We came home from camping in time to head out to Lake Wilderness for a very special celebration...celebrating the life of Timothy James Currey. It's hard to believe it's already been 1 year since his birth. I found myself almost avoiding Jen at the park. I wasn't avoiding her because it was uncomfortable or because I didn't know what to say, but because "Remembering Timothy" are two words that hold so many memories and emotions. I struggle to be able to capture them all in a blog post. These are the moments when I am so thankful she knows my heart. She knows what an honor it was for me to be there to witness his hold my breath with her until he took his first see his siblings and other family members meet him for the first hold him myself and praise Jesus for the miracle of his life...and then hold him again after he had flown from the arms of his Mommy into the arms of Jesus...making hand and foot molds as a treasured keepsake...letting go and holding on at the same time...
Kevin and Jennifer, our family is "Remembering Timothy"...and not just today. He will always be in our minds and impressed upon our hearts.Here are some pictures of the special butterfly release they did in his memory.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bumping Lake

We had such a wonderful, relaxing time camping with our neighbors and their family at Bumping Lake this weekend.
The campsites were fantastic, with our own private beach access tucked away from the rest of the world.
Aliya and Chloe enjoying some morning Hot Cocoa time.There was always exploring or fishing to be done down at the lake.
Canoeing was another favorite part of the weekend

The water was perfect ~ even Aliya had a blast swimming. She loved it!
While Abby loved the swimming, I think she was even more thrilled with the little friend she caught in the water. Jonathan did really well camping too, despite cutting his 3rd tooth while we were there. Only seemed fitting for him to get a tooth, since his first two teeth came in while we were camping over Memorial Day.

We just happened to be camping next to a tree with our initials carved into it. It's always fun to be reminded that we are a "couple"...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pool Party

It sure is nice to have a place to cool off on these hot summer days. I took the kids over to play in Grandma & Grandpa Hirst's pool this morning. It was so wonderful. Jonathan slept upstairs, while the other 4 and I just hung out. Kids had a blast and I thoroughly enjoyed just kicking back and soaking in summer with them.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Grandpa Hirst's Bike and Blood

Vroom....Vroom..... "Mom, there's a big Motorcycle heading up the hill towards our house. Wait!!! That's GRANDPA HIRST!!"Yep, Grandpa came by this morning and wow'd the kids with his cool wheels (and helmet).

When they were done checking out Grandpa's cool ride, he gave them a lesson on diabetes and blood sugar levels. The three older kids even let him check their blood sugar levels. James was at 97, Josiah was 87 and Abby was 86. They were quite happy with their results - then proceeded to spike that number right up with Belgian Waffles :)