Saturday, June 6, 2009

First Trampoline Related Injury

I love our trampoline. I mean LOVE our trampoline. We have had it in the backyard for one year now and have not grown the least bit tired of it. Almost every dry day of the year, you can find one (if not all) of us jumping away.

Last night started out as a perfect evening. I mean perfect. Jimmy was at the BBQ, Aliya was laying on a blanket in the grass watching while James, Josiah, Abby & I jumped our little hearts out. We were having so much fun, laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. It was girls against boys with only one goal to go before we were all heading in to enjoy dinner when it happened. Our first trampoline related injury. Abby's chin came down on James' head.

She immediately headed for the exit saying "Help me Mommy". I knew she was hurt, which I quickly pushed to the back burner when I saw the blood on James' head. "The blood Mommy! I think I'm going to die!" OK, so maybe a little dramatic but there was quite a bit of blood...dime sized drops following him into the house and throughout the bathroom. Quick reassessment of both kids and sent them off with Jimmy to Urgent Care.

Abby's chin was a pretty clean cut which was able to be closed with a little Dermabond. Unfortunately, they couldn't Dermabond the top of James' head. After being evaluated by 2 different Doctors, James was released without a single stitch. The 2nd Doctor admitted that while a couple of staples would help lessen the scarring, he didn't think it was necessary. He was confident that once the swelling went down his cut would look much better. He was right!

We still LOVE our trampoline. While I wish the injury portion of the evening hadn't occurred, I wouldn't have changed a thing. It was just one of those random accidents...and as Jimmy put it at the end of the night "Now our children just have permanent reminders (scars) of what a great evening they had!"Believe it or not, this picture was actually taken 2+ hours later, after he had been cleaned up & was back home from Urgent Care.
Abby the morning after - still a little nervous to move her chin, but smiling none the less!

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

Mom & Dad told us this morning, and Matt gave me that look of "SEE?!?" Thanks a lot! You gave him more ammo!!! 8-)

I'm glad they're both doing good and that you guys had such a great night!!! What a wonderful evening, great family time!