Thursday, April 30, 2009

School, Siblings, Seattle and Salt

Friday the 24th was a big day for our Josiah, who attended Kindergarten Round-up at Meridian Elementary. The morning started out with a bus ride around the neighborhood, which proved to be his favorite part of his morning...of his entire week really! He met the teacher he will have in the Fall and enjoyed playing in his new classroom.

A few days later, he was thrilled to discover he and Jonathan have (almost) matching Jammies - both have sports equipment and stars on them. He even managed to find another blue pair of jammies for Aliya matching their theme.
Jonathan hit the 6 month mark on the 28th and is not taking this big milestone laying down...nope, he's starting to sit up by himself for longer periods of time. So cute!

April 30th, James' class attended "I Was a Rat" at the Seattle Children's Theater. He was so happy to have Jimmy there as a chaperone. Jimmy had a good time hanging out with James and his buddies.

Here's a picture of Jonathan trying out his new swing. The picture really doesn't do it justice. He LOVES this swing - giggling and smiling as he rides. James especially enjoys pushing him on it & takes just as much delight in watching Jonathan, as Jonathan does in swinging.

Jimmy & I also had an opportunity to go out on a date this past week. It felt like we merely blinked and 2 hours had gone by.
Last, but certainly not least, Aliya was my little helper in the kitchen at dinnertime Tuesday. After stopping to take a quick picture of Jonathan, I turned around to find her washing her mouth out with a washrag. Fortunately, I still had the camera in hand as I discovered what the problem was. My little chef had dumped a very large quanity of garlic salt into the noodles & decided to sample one. Needless to say, we ended up having a box of macaroni and cheese with our meatloaf that night!

1 comment:

The Williams Five said...

I love hearing about daily life with you all! Allison saw a picture of Jonathan and kept saying baby and trying to give her fa fa to him. I love how you took a picture of the very garlicky noodles! So funny. Can you believe another one is starting kindergarten already? I can't believe their old enough. Brian doesn't have kindergarten round up until, actually I'm not sure when. Hmmm. I guess we'll find out.