Saturday, March 28, 2009

Movie Night

Tonight our Earnhardt cousins came over the hang out for the evening - something we do far too seldom! We had a movie/jammies/popcorn night and thoroughly enjoyed every minute together. In addition to watching Bolt for the first time, our evening was filled with playing trains, blocks, marble run, Wii (even Aunt Denise played for the first time and beat Karen!). We were even entertained with various dances and gymnastic moves from the kids. James can officially do more push-ups than his Mom, but has a ways to go to beat Uncle Matt.

The Cousins (minus a sleeping Jonathan)

Gotta have a Crazy Face shot - even Jenna's making a face!

The "Twins" (since they share the same birthday...only 5 years apart)

The Boys

She's such an incredible Auntie - playing Marble Run with the kids

Aliya absolutely adores Jenna! (as do all of my kids)

"You love me Baby Jenna?"

Jacob protecting James during a scary part of the movie. It was SO cute!

Scrunchy Face Jenna

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

Far too seldom is right!!! We had such a great time, it was so neat watching all the cousins have such a good time with each other, I loved it! I love how close our family is :-)