Monday, March 9, 2009

Making Memories Amidst the Maintenance

This has been a pretty high maintenance week for our little peanut. We started him on some new medication on Tuesday to help with the reflux and in turn are now struggling with tummy troubles as a side effect. We seem to be trading one issue for another, so these pictures are all the more special to me. I love those happy moments that appear between the high maintenance ones.

I've been grateful for the time I've had to pray for others this week when I'm unable to do anything else but walk around with Mr. Peanut. I've also been reminded of the number of times lately I've dipped into the Cistern of Complaints lately. I wonder if God ever says "Oh...there she goes again", but rather than get frustrated with me, he tenderly picks me up and paces the house until I rest in His peace once again. So for those who have been on the receiving end of my complaining moments - I'm truly sorry. Thank you for being patient with me as God continues to refine me. And thank you Jesus for tangible examples of your grace in my life.


Jennifer said...

Those are the cutest pictures! I love the one with Jonathans tongue...great job capturing it.

I have never even heard you complain. I mean you are Karen Finnestad. Always happy and joyful with a perfect house, well behaved children and awesome husband. You always have a smile on your face and a spring in your step. So, I don't know who you are talking about. Definitely not Karen Finnestad!!!

The Finnestad Family said...

And you, my friend, are full of bologna... :) Clearly you are one of the "chosen" who have had to endure my complaining tongue over recent weeks. Thanks for hanging in there.

The Earnhardt Family said...

Why is bologna spelled like that, I mean really, come on! Someone was bored when they came up with that one...

Anywho :-) I think you have every right to complain every now and again! You've got a lot on your plate, AND keep having to cut important things out of your diet! It's justified... ;-)