Thursday, March 19, 2009

Christ, Cousins and Concerns

Shortly after posting my last blog on March 9th Josiah made one of the most important decisions of his life...asking Jesus to come into his heart and be his forever friend! He was so excited to share the news and made a special picture to remind him of his commitment.
Two days later, Denise & I tried something new with the kids - "preschool". We had music and dancing time (I think Denise was the best dancer of the bunch), followed by a bible story and craft. As fun as it was, I think their favorite part was when it was they could just play! The girls always have fun together and Josiah adores his cousin Jenna.

On Friday, we celebrated cousin Amanda's 4th birthday - Princess Style. The girls were so beautiful and had an incredible time! Even Prince Josiah couldn't help but have fun, even if he was the only Prince at the party.

Just have to squeeze this one in because he's so cute. Jonathan trying out the Bumbo seat we're borrowing for the Currey's. He's growing up!
Finally, I have to say that today's "Tea Time" was slightly disturbing for me. I am concerned for my children. I like to give them some freedom with which foods accompany our tea. While our typical tea time includes pear/apple slices, cheese and crackers or mini muffins, today I allowed them fresh chocolate chip cookies and Mike & Ike Candies...I mean, what child wouldn't love that? What caught me off guard was what they requested as their 3rd menu item...and the fact that "said item" was eaten long before the cookies or candies were touched, as well as the fact that they squeezed the juices from "said item" INTO their pomegranite tea. Am I wrong to be concerned?



Jennifer said...

You have had a very busy week! I am so happy (and proud of) Josiah! He looks so excited in that picture.

I love seeing Aliya in that pretty dress...well, in any dress at all!

Jonathan is super cute in that seat and he will be sitting on his own any time now...are you ready for that??

And last but not least. Pickles. I must say that my children have the same request at times and I have been guilty of allowing them have pickles with their breakfast. I knew that they were all friends for a reason!

The Williams Five said...

That is hilarious!! I love it. Who would have thought dill pickles would be such a grand addition to a tea party.

That is so awesome about Josiah!!! We've been talking to Brian about that as well.

The Earnhardt Family said...

All I have to say is "GROSS". Although, it does not surprise me that the kids that think picking up snakes and worms and other things loves pickle juice in their pomegranate tea. I'll be sure to get my meal tips for camping from Denise.

The Earnhardt Family said...

How wonderful that Josiah has made that decision, the most important decision ever, we're so happy for him!

The girls all look so cute in their princess dresses :-) And my goodness, every time I see Amanda, I just think "miniature Kim!!!" WOW!

That bumbo seat is so super cool, Jonathan does well in it too!

...pickles...gross nasty pickles...I think they need to stick with Mickey Pancakes...

. La Kris said...

How EXCITING... the whole decision thing.. not the pickles. that is a bit disgusting... not that I don't like pickles... just not in my tea! haha!!!

Well... time is flying and before I know it you'll be posting pictures of me on your blog.. haha!