Thursday, February 26, 2009

4 Months in Comparison

Jonathan is rapidly approaching the 4 month mark and we are constantly being questioned "Who DOES he look like anyway?" So I thought it would be fun to post pictures from when each of our kids were 4 months old...and I'll let you decide :)
(you'll have to click on the picture to see them closer up)


The Earnhardt Family said...

That is just CRAZY!!! He's bits and pieces of all of them! They all have a lot of similarities, so super cute!!! I remember the last time we were at the skating rink, Jonathan looked up at me and it was like "Hi Josiah!!!" :-) Looked just like him at the time! (with lighter hair of course) :-)

The Earnhardt Family said...

My vote is for the closest looking is James and Jonathan, at least from these pics!! They are all so darn cute though.

. La Kris said...

I would say the from the eyes up he looks like James and from the nose down he looks like Josiah..!

Michelle said...

He's got Josiah's cheeks! :)

The Williams Five said...

I agree he is a combination of them all. Especially James and Josiah