Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Surgery Day Begins

And they're off...Jimmy & James just walked out the door to begin James' big day of getting his tonsils and adenoids removed. James was so excited and pretty nervous throughout the night. He was dressed and ready for the day at 3:30 am! I was thankful for the hour of talking and reading time we had together, despite the early hour. After falling back to sleep on the couch, I listened to him snore and breathe irregularly and was reminded why we are doing this. Our 6:00 am alarm was met with a little less enthusiasm. "Why do we have to get up so early Mom?" I just laughed, thinking about how ready he was 2½ hours before!

Jimmy surprised him with a Rubik's cube, which brightened him right up. He told James that his job was to twist it up as much as he could before surgery and Jimmy would try to put it back in order before surgery was over. James was thrilled with the challenge...and the thought of a get well gift and lots of Popsicles waiting for him at home.

Jimmy's other job is to call me frequently with updates & take lots of pictures, so hopefully I will be sharing both throughout the morning. Please keep James in your prayers...as well as Jacob, who is preparing for surgery right now as well.


The Williams Five said...

3:30am!!! Good grief that's early. Glad you hear he is doing so well leading up to it. I will keep you guys in my prayers along with Jacob and the Earnhardts.

The Earnhardt Family said...

Hi honey. James has already been in my morning prayers and we will continue to lift him up this morning. Isabella and I are ready to be prayer warriors this morning!!