Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back to School - One Week Later

The first week of school couldn't have gone better. The kids have adjusted well to the new schedules and teachers. James has been thrilled everyday to come home and announce he got his name on the board (which is actually a good thing). Mrs. Lutes writes their names on the board everytime they serve as an example for the class, which results in getting to choose something out of the treasure box at the end of the day. He is so proud to have gotten a treasure box pick 6 days in a row! We are so proud of him as well!

Abby is thoroughly enjoying her new teacher and her classmates. She's happy to have several of her closest friends from 2nd grade in her 3rd grade class this year. She was also beaming after the first day as she came out of the school doors. James was not in the "designated meeting spot" between their two classrooms, so she went to his class to discover his teacher would only release her students to parents or older siblings. Well, she being an older sibling, was able to get him out of class and walk him out to meet us. She felt so grown-up and responsible. We are so appreciative of her willingness to come alongside of her little brother and "keep him safe."

He is happy to return the favor during 3rd recess. Several of his friends delight in chasing Abby and her comrades around the playground. James' "job" is to chase his friends and save the princesses from eminent danger. Sounds like a recess to look forward to for sure!

It's fun to watch as Josiah and Aliya's relationship continues to grow. While they have always enjoyed playing together, it is completely different when it's just the two of them. Yesterday it was cute watching Josiah be "Daddy" and Aliya be "Mommy" as they busily cared for "Baby" (a.k.a. My Little Pony) - taking her on walks and sitting with her on the swings.

What a great start to the new year!


The Earnhardt Family said...

That's so neat - on ALL accounts! It's so fun watching all these kids grow and adapt and learn and mold and achieve and... So wonderful that Josiah and Aliya are growing closer as well, that's what I'm hoping for Juliana and Jenna as Jacob will be doing more and more school and it'll just be "the girls" back at the ranch. :-)

Jennifer said...

I am so happy to see that all of your children are adjusting to the new schedule so quickly. I hope that it means they will be ready when little Jonathan makes his appearance!

. La Kris said...

I can´t believe how big they are getting!!! 3rd GRADE! My goodness... Pretty soon I will be able to surprise them and pick them up from school.. haha!

love ya!