Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kicking Off Soccer Season

Today marked the official start of the soccer season. It's the year of the bee's in the Finnestad household, as James plays for the Hornets and Josiah for the Bumblebee's. The boys ran so hard during their Jamboree games today and both of them even scored a goal!

Josiah gets to play on the same team as his buddy (and next door neighbor) Connor. They are quite the pair out there on the field!


Jennifer said...

How did I miss this post?? I love these pictures and can't wait to go to a game or two this year!

. La Kris said...

wow... look at those little soccer champs... you snuck this post in and changed the date.. haha

Love ya!

The Earnhardt Family said...

LOOK AT THOSE STUDS!!! Man alive, you have got some majorly sporty kids there, they look like PROS! GREAT SHOTS!!!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Seriously, I missed this one too. You can't change dates!! It gets lost in the newer ones. The boys look awesome. Both even got goals. Fantastic.