Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Recovery Road...Here We Come!

Our brave little James is home after a successful surgery. His first attempt at coming out of anethesia was a little difficult, so they knocked him back out for a short time. Things went much better the 2nd time and I even had the privilege of being there about 10 minutes after he began waking up (thanks to my awesome friend Jen who showed up at my house to watch the younger kids). Two Popsicles and a little juice later, he was asking to go home and was back by 10:30! He's a little nauseous and very tired, but all things considered is doing great.

Dressed and ready for surgery!


First Popsicle

Ready to go home
Thank you so much for your prayers. Time to journey down recovery road!


The Earnhardt Family said...

I am so glad that Jen was able to come and relieve you so you could see him. Every mom wants to be there when their child wakes up from surgery.

Jennifer said...

He is such a brave boy! I hope you enjoy your family day.

The Williams Five said...

So glad to hear that it went so well. Hope he is able to get some sleep today!

. La Kris said...

Wow... Didn't know James was going into surgery until today. But glad to hear things went so well... He looks more like Josiah in some of these pics... and VERY TALL in the one in which he was ready to go home. Look forward to talking to you soon... love ya all!