Thursday, May 15, 2008

TV or Not to TV, that is the question

"I don't think you could live one day without TV."
"What? We could live a whole week without it....well, at least a Monday through Friday week. (We really like TV on the weekends)."

And so began our TV-less challenge of the week. Amazingly, the large box has remained off since Sunday afternoon. My children have rediscovered some of their toys this week, as well as their imagination. Strangely, they haven't even asked to have it on - until now (Thursday night). I find myself just as tempted to turn it on as they are. There have been many moments when vegging out seemed necessary, even justified. I have resisted the urge - until now.

I am proud of how long they (and I) have lasted without it. And while we will probably continue to have TV time during the day, this little experiment has opened our eyes to the reality that they do not "need" it as often as they have had it in the past. We will certainly be making some changes to our daily routine. God continues to refine our family and for that I am thankful. It becomes more and more evident each day that we have not arrived, but I am so grateful for a family united in the journey getting there. This was a great experience for all of us....anything we try together is just another wonderful opportunity to bond us even closer together.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

My children spent an entire week ramping up for Mother's Day. Each day they spent countless hours (and amounts of glitter glue) on special projects for Mommy. The morning of Mother's Day was met with almost as much delight as Christmas morning! For Abby, it was all about serving breakfast in bed...which consisted of toast, cereal (with milk in a separate bowl because Mommy doesn't like soggy cereal) and of course ice water.

The kids had set a goal to complete 10 crafts for me throughout the week to give as gifts when the special day arrived. I can tell you they far exceeded that goal!

And my husband was just as incredible. His gift to me was 4 truck loads of dirt. Sounds romantic, doesn't it? In reality, it was! He finished two large planters for me and commissioned me to begin shopping for the flowers and trees to occupy the new space. I'm thrilled.

It was a wonderful Mother's Day. There were moments when I could hardly speak, as I was so overwhelmed with gratitude. What a blessing that God has allowed me the privilege of being a Mom to these 4 amazing children. Now I must remember to keep that gratitude in the forefront of my mind as I jump back into the normal routine of life. It's so easy to lose focus.