Monday, February 8, 2010

Let's Par-tay!!!

We had the time of our lives celebrating Josiah's 6th birthday and watching the Superbowl yesterday! With it being a combined birthday / football party, it worked out perfectly that he wanted a Sports Themed birthday celebration. Though I laughed a little when he told me the 2 sports he wanted highlighted as cakes were football and pool! Yes, pool has become a recognized sport in the Finnestad household!I laughed at the irony of the crafts we chose, which included sports themed door hangers...when our older three children don't even have doors on their new rooms yet! ha ha Soon!
Our house was full of great food, friends (51 to be exact) and fun!

Josiah received the loudest rendition of Happy Birthday I've ever heard. I was only able to capture a brief portion of it, but you get the idea.After the Superbowl game was over, it was time for the "other sport"...Pool!! I was so impressed by one of Greg's shots - two balls split and off into different pockets at the same time.

What made this weekend even more exciting for Josiah was the fact that it was his turn to bring home the class mascot, Matty Monkey. Matty was here to join in the celebrations and got to go back to school this morning to tell the class all about it. Happy Birthday Sy!


Jennifer said...

You sure know how to throw a GREAT party! Happy Birthday Josiah!

The Earnhardt Family said...

It certainly was a great day. And you have the BEST house for parties, my goodness! Very cool... :-) I think Matt's itchin' to play more's fun seeing him in his happy place. And my my, Josiah made out like a bandit!