Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You Talkin' to Me?

About a week ago I began going through a book my Mom gave me titled "The Prayer That Changes Everything" and found myself realizing how lax my prayer life has become as of late. Then at Girlfriends Night at church I won a door prize which contained the books "The Prayer of Jabez" and "Beyond Jabez". A couple of days later a dear friend called me troubled by some very difficult circumstances. We ended the conversation by saying these are the moments when we just ask God for a miracle....only one day later her miracle came! God answered in a mighty way. The next day my neighbor called saddened by the news that a family dog had run away. She mentioned she was shooting up a prayer, so I told her I was going to do the same. 10 minutes later she called back "You're never going to believe this...the dog just came home!"

I was beginning to sense a theme here. As I stood there in awe of God's power, I half heartedly joked "God, are you talkin' to me?" And then I heard him speak - "Karen, are you talking to ME?" I think I can see the first area of my life in need of Revival - Prayer.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Revival and Rejoicing

I am so behind in blogging, but rather than playing catch up tonight I'm celebrating another year of blessings and refining. God disciplines those He loves and boy have I been feeling loved lately :) It makes me all the more excited for the theme He has given me for 2010 "Revival and Rejoicing". I've had a feeling for a couple of months now that the theme would focus on Praise - glorifying God through every circumstance of everyday. How can He not receive the glory for any reviving being done in my life?

I'm curious if anyone else ever has a theme or verse they pray over for a season? Praying for a year full of Revival and Rejoicing for each of you! Thank you Jesus!!