Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Little Poo Poo Problem

I ended my last post saying I hope the workers didn't mind having an audience....well, I think that was probably the least of their worries. Part way into the project I overheard Steve (our contractor) asking the Excavators "When did you hit that? Does the home owner know?" That sparked my attention, so I came to the backdoor & was greeted by a request to turn my sink on. I did and everything seemed just fine. Next, Steve asked me to flush the toilet. That's when it got exciting. All of the waste water came shooting out of a broken pipe in the backyard. "I think you won't be able to use your toilets for a while." he told me. Hmmm....a while? Not sure how that was going to work out since I do have 4 potty trained children residing here.

All was going well for the next few hours. I went upstairs to play cars with Abby, Josiah and Jonathan when I heard the pitter patter of little 3 year old feet racing across the kitchen floor downstairs - in the direction of the bathroom. I immediately handed Jonathan to Abby and raced down the stairs. "Aliya - wait!" It was too late. I rounded the corner just in time to watch her flush the "contents" of the toilet down....down...down and right out next to one of the workers carefully shoveling dirt near the broken pipe. I raced to the window in time to see "said contents" laying on the ground with water all over, all while a very puzzled worker stood there saying "What the???"

Fortunately, Mr. Eckloff has a good sense of humor and laughed with me as I apologized profusely. It wasn't long after that he repaired the pipe and we were up and running again. Something tells me this is just one of many comical moments I will experience along the way. Some of the broken piecesAll fixed again


The Williams Five said...

What no picture of "said contents" on the ground! Heh heh heh

The Finnestad Family said...

Actually, if you look really closely, "said contents" is still in the picture.

The Earnhardt Family said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Man alive, we have GOT to have a date or something so you can tell me all these stories, we obviously don't talk enough! I don't think I realized you had a neighborhood carnival, or about the poopoo problem, and I'm sure countless other things! You sure have a hip hop happenin' life!