Saturday, March 28, 2009

Movie Night

Tonight our Earnhardt cousins came over the hang out for the evening - something we do far too seldom! We had a movie/jammies/popcorn night and thoroughly enjoyed every minute together. In addition to watching Bolt for the first time, our evening was filled with playing trains, blocks, marble run, Wii (even Aunt Denise played for the first time and beat Karen!). We were even entertained with various dances and gymnastic moves from the kids. James can officially do more push-ups than his Mom, but has a ways to go to beat Uncle Matt.

The Cousins (minus a sleeping Jonathan)

Gotta have a Crazy Face shot - even Jenna's making a face!

The "Twins" (since they share the same birthday...only 5 years apart)

The Boys

She's such an incredible Auntie - playing Marble Run with the kids

Aliya absolutely adores Jenna! (as do all of my kids)

"You love me Baby Jenna?"

Jacob protecting James during a scary part of the movie. It was SO cute!

Scrunchy Face Jenna

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Brotherly Love

The highlight of Josiah's day today was when he realized that he and Jonathan had dressed alike without realizing it. Just couldn't pass up an opportunity to take a couple pictures of the two little buddies.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Christ, Cousins and Concerns

Shortly after posting my last blog on March 9th Josiah made one of the most important decisions of his life...asking Jesus to come into his heart and be his forever friend! He was so excited to share the news and made a special picture to remind him of his commitment.
Two days later, Denise & I tried something new with the kids - "preschool". We had music and dancing time (I think Denise was the best dancer of the bunch), followed by a bible story and craft. As fun as it was, I think their favorite part was when it was they could just play! The girls always have fun together and Josiah adores his cousin Jenna.

On Friday, we celebrated cousin Amanda's 4th birthday - Princess Style. The girls were so beautiful and had an incredible time! Even Prince Josiah couldn't help but have fun, even if he was the only Prince at the party.

Just have to squeeze this one in because he's so cute. Jonathan trying out the Bumbo seat we're borrowing for the Currey's. He's growing up!
Finally, I have to say that today's "Tea Time" was slightly disturbing for me. I am concerned for my children. I like to give them some freedom with which foods accompany our tea. While our typical tea time includes pear/apple slices, cheese and crackers or mini muffins, today I allowed them fresh chocolate chip cookies and Mike & Ike Candies...I mean, what child wouldn't love that? What caught me off guard was what they requested as their 3rd menu item...and the fact that "said item" was eaten long before the cookies or candies were touched, as well as the fact that they squeezed the juices from "said item" INTO their pomegranite tea. Am I wrong to be concerned?


Monday, March 9, 2009

Making Memories Amidst the Maintenance

This has been a pretty high maintenance week for our little peanut. We started him on some new medication on Tuesday to help with the reflux and in turn are now struggling with tummy troubles as a side effect. We seem to be trading one issue for another, so these pictures are all the more special to me. I love those happy moments that appear between the high maintenance ones.

I've been grateful for the time I've had to pray for others this week when I'm unable to do anything else but walk around with Mr. Peanut. I've also been reminded of the number of times lately I've dipped into the Cistern of Complaints lately. I wonder if God ever says "Oh...there she goes again", but rather than get frustrated with me, he tenderly picks me up and paces the house until I rest in His peace once again. So for those who have been on the receiving end of my complaining moments - I'm truly sorry. Thank you for being patient with me as God continues to refine me. And thank you Jesus for tangible examples of your grace in my life.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Women's Breakfast

The first Saturday of every month, Jimmy takes the boys to Men's Breakfast - which means the girls and I have a special Women's Breakfast at home. This Saturday Abby was so proud of the Mickey Mouse pancake she made for Aliya.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

15 Years Ago...

...Jimmy and I began this exciting journey called marriage. March 5, 1994 at the ripe old ages of 19 and 20, we walked down the aisle as two separate individuals and united ourselves permanently together into one. Here are the random memories I have of that big day:

- Getting my hair and nails done with my bridesmaids at Salon Madera. Ringlets for everybody! Then having to drive through town in my "Blue Bubble" wearing a flannel shirt with a fluffy veil poking out on top.

- Grabbing Deborah McCoo as she walked into the church and asking her to run to Safeway to buy a loaf of bread and a CapriSun because we had forgotten to bring anything for communion.

- Later appreciating that loaf of bread when Jimmy almost passed out in the receiving line. Nerves had caused him to forget to eat all day, so he would shove a slice of bread in his mouth in between hugging guests as they came through the line.

- Dawn Finley handing us a bottle of champagne as she walked through the line saying "After almost 5 years of 'Saying No' might need this tonight." ha ha!

- Denise and Mike Ceilo singing a duet and choking me up.

- "Cherishing a Moment" during the ceremony, at the recommendation of a friend. Stopping for a second and purposing to capture a moment of the ceremony in my head and heart forever.

- Decorating eachothers faces with cake :)

- Dancing with my Dad and crying tears of joy as he told me he was proud of me.

- Our friends not only decorating my GeoMetro, but actually lifting it up and moving it onto the sidewalk!

- Stopping by my parent's house on the way to pick up our undecorated escape car and realizing I was entering the house as a married woman.

- Walking into the hotel room together knowing that by the will and grace of God, I had just married my best friend. Thank you Lord for the gift of our marriage!