Sunday, February 22, 2009

President's Week Wrap-up

President's week got me really excited for summer to roll around. We had such great weather, spent several days out front playing with the neighbors and countless hours bouncing on the trampoline (Mommy included). Tuesday we went roller skating and have never seen so many kids on the rink at a time. The Zegers came with us and when we arrived we were greeted by the Starr's, Butterworth's and "James B." (one of James F.'s best friends from school). It was so much fun!

The next two days were spent playing with the Curreys. Those two days went by very quickly and were full of forts, nerf wars, video games, crafts and lots of outside time.

Another major milestone occured Presidents Week - Jonathan tried solid foods for the first time. Yet again, it was the older kids who proved more excited than he was. He is certainly not lacking in "cheerleading" in this household!

Though it was a full, fun week, we made sure to save plenty of time for some cuddling!

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

Ahhh, is that the infamous Easter dress that Aliya doesn't want to take off?!? (last pic, her & Jimmy) So pretty! Abby has the BEST eyes, they are absolutely beautiful! What a full week you guys had! Again, we're super bummed we couldn't be a part of it...flingin' flangin' flu... Although I think you were packed enuf as is!