Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daddy's All Star

Jonathan has definitely discovered his voice in the last week or so. He is so happy to have little "conversations" with us and gets so animated with the exchange of sounds. He was just too adorable in his "Daddy's All Star" outfit on Sunday.

"No more pictures Mama!" Just had to throw this one in. Am I the only Mom who thinks their child is cute even when they cry? Though this doesn't show his cute little chin quiver or allow you to hear the sound of his voice, I never want to forget these little moments...even the tearful ones can be tender, wonderful memories!


Jennifer said...

Emma just asked if these pictures were of Jonathan or Josiah! Yep your kids do look a little alike...

He is getting so big and as always he is super cute!

The Earnhardt Family said...

HA HA HA HA HA!!! I was already forming my comment in my head "Oh my goodness! He is SO cute! He has the biggest smile! What a super happy boy!" and then bam - you throw that last picture in there! :-D HA! I don't know HOW to comment now!