Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mohawk Madness

We are constantly being stopped by people asking if we style Jonathan's hair into a mohawk, which of course we don' just naturally migrates to that shape and has become almost a trademark for him. Well tonight at Josiah's birthday party we met a lady who enjoys the same style.

I think one of the best parts of this picture actually occured after the fact when Stephanie Earnhardt (my partner in crime) came over to me and said "I double dog dare you to ask that woman to take a picture with your son". To which I was able to pull my camera out of my pocket and say...I already did :) ha ha!!!


The Earnhardt Family said...

I can't take all the credit for coming up with this one. Carol did mention that you had said something to the effect but that you didn't know if you should. Well, I'm always giving you opportunity to expand your horizons so who better than me to dare you to make sure you go through with it. You just beat me to the punch line you stinker. You are coming out of your shell!!

Kristin said...

Too funny!!

Jennifer said...

I love these pictures. Our kids really LOVED her hair and now we have pictures to keep forever! I can't wait to see if Jonathan does something similar when he grows up!!!!

The Williams Five said...

That cracks me up! I love it.