Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sun Cove

What an incredible vacation! We spent a much anticipated week at Sun Cove Resort in Oroville, WA with many of our closest friends and family members.

It's hard to summarize the entire week into a short blog insert, so here are our Top 10 Highlights (in no particular order):

1. Fishing ~ James even caught a turtle with his fishing pole! The kids were so proud of the medals they received from the Fishing Derby organized by Uncle Matt.
2. Celebrating Abby's 8th and Juliana's 3rd birthdays together, complete with three-legged races, waterballoon toss, tattoos and a Littlest Pets Cake.
3. Swimming in the pool everyday and in the lake on the last night.
4. Abby & Mommy kayaking together for the first time.
5. Playing with friends and family all week long (even a couple of sleepovers).
6. Nature hikes, where we discovered 2 pigs, 3 deer, tent caterpillars and all sorts of treasures.
7. Evening visits (and game nights) with the adults while the kids were crashed in their beds.
8. Bees! We will never forget all those bees (and the few bee stings we received)
9. Aliya gettting 8 stitches between two fingers.
10. Participating in a very entertaining and memorable Talent Show.


The Earnhardt Family said...

ALRIGHT!!! You are going blog crazy, that's great!!! :-D I love your Top 10, it's awesome! It really was a great week, I love that we do it on an ongoing basis. And you're right, the talent show was soooo fun!

Jennifer said...

Next time I'm not letting you guys go with out me!! I will climb into one of your suitcases if necessary... I love all the wonderful pictures, what a fun time.