Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No Fear...Know Fear

Josiah has brought this phrase to life. Josiah's "no fear" has caused Mommy to "know fear". I came home from the VBS meeting tonight to the tune of Josiah singing "I can do backflips....I can do backflips." He pulled me over to the big trampoline in the backyard to demonstrate his new skill. No one taught him, he's never seen anyone else do one - he just decided tonight that it would be cool and therefore tried it. He's quite amazing at it.

I'm having flashbacks of last year when Josiah began riding a 2-wheeler bike at the ripe old age of 3 and was jumping the curbs a week later. This is just the beginning....

P.S. Not to be outdone by his 4 year old son, Jimmy got out there to demonstrate he too can backflip. Although Jimmy can also flip backwards and forwards, for some reason I'm a little more nervous when he tries it. ha ha!


The Earnhardt Family said...

Tee Hee! That kid is amazingly coordinated!!! He is a mini-Jimmy, isn't he?!? So funny! I can see why you'd be fearful because of his lack of fear!!!

Michelle said...

Like son, like father, huh?! :)

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad that Josiah got his "power" back. I loved watching his amazing abilities...