Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm Thankful For...

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Finnestad side of the family (in spite of the Seahawks performance). We are so grateful for the Finnestad's and love hanging out together as a family.

This afternoon we get to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Hirst side of the family and have started thinking about what we will be sharing tonight as we go around the table discussing what we are thankful for.

Here's what our kids are thankful for:

Abby: I am thankful for God because He made the earth and made me. I am also thankful for Jesus because He died on the cross for our sins. I am thankful for my family and for my life. I am thankful for my friends because if I didn't I would feel lonely and sad. I'm also thankful for my family that takes good care of me. Also, I'm thankful that I have birthdays because if I didn't I would still be small and 0 years old.

James: For my family because if I didn't have a family I would be lonely. I'm thankful for my friends because I get to play with them. I'm thankful for the Army because they keep us safe. I'm thankful for my life because I get to live in this beautiful world. I'm thankful for our food and our water because we would die without it. I'm also thankful for the holidays.

Josiah: I'm thankful for our Christmas tree, for Christmas and for Valentine's Day. I like to make our Christmas tree because it is so cute. I'm thankful for our teachers, our plates and our teacups. I like how shiny our teacups are. I'm thankful that our Grandma and Grandpa are in my family and for my friends and my brother.

Aliya: I like Pooh Bear. I'm thankful for Mommy and Daddy. I like Christmas tree and Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa.

Jonathan: (the kids are helping him answer) He's thankful he was born. He's thankful for his family who loves him so much. He's thankful for his life and for milk.


Wagner's said...

Looks like a lot of fun was had- that's awesome! Your kids' list of things they are thankful for is so precious!!! I love it!

The Earnhardt Family said...

OK, so Josiah's cracks me up! Tea cups, that's awesome :-D And my my, Abby and James sure have grown up, their Thankfulness list sure is mature! Very sweet, all of them, love it!!!

It sure was nice hanging out tonight! I swear I didn't bring the movie for everyone to watch right then, I was going to have you bring it home, but that sure did work out nicely! Made for lots of quiet visiting time, WOO HOO!!! (and the kids still got to interact and have fun during the rest of the night, and off and on during the movie...a gentle "nudge" here and there) ;-D