Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Who Needs a Bowl?

I'm not sure how many times I have said "There is no lack of entertainment in the Finnestad household." Today proved to be no exception. With a still recovering and nauseous James on the couch, tonight's dinner looked a little different. Instead of eating at the dining room table, we spread out and ate in the kitchen/family room...providing Aliya access to a new sort of "bowl" for her noodles.

"Mom! Aliya is putting her noodles in Josiah's hiking boot." "She's doing what?" Sure enough, our little 2 year old had filled the sole of his boot with her noodles & proceeded to eat out of it. I promptly reprimanded her, dumped the noodles in the sink and cleaned out his boot - only to find her filling the other one with noodles and attempting to tell me how much she wanted to eat out of his shoe!

While I am still attempting to understand the mind of our two year old, one thing is for certain....it's back to the dining room tomorrow night!


The Williams Five said...

That is hilarious! I can just see it. And she is just so persistent. Maybe the leather gave it extra flavor.

The Earnhardt Family said...

Only at your house Karen!! I love it. The distraction must be fun for James though!

Jennifer said...

What?! Doesn't everyone eat out of boots!!

Wagner's said...

Wait, leather comes from a cow, and we eat cows, so this seems just fine to me!!