Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday

Well Jonathan's birthday wasn't exactly how we envisioned it would be thanks to the Swine Flu. On the other hand, with almost the entire family sick that week we were able to spend alot quality family time together. While the other kids wanted to share all sorts of cards and gifts with him on his big day, I'm happy to say there was one thing they didn't share with him...the flu! Miraculously, he managed to stay healthy!

An "Anonymous Angel" left this sweet little 1st birthday cake on our front porch (thank you Jen). Clearly, he LOVED it!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rampin' Up

Newest favorite activity in the Finnestad household...especially for one little Finnestad in particular...

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fixing the Floor

Our indoor waterfall resulted in us ripping out all of the carpet in the family room. After a couple of days attempting to keep Jonathan off of our dirty staple/screw ridden subfloor, Jimmy decided a temporary fix was in order.

Tonight the kids got a lesson in how to lay laminate flooring and were thrilled to be part of the solution. We just happened to have an extra 5-6 boxes of it in our garage from when we laid the floor 5 years ago. While it didn't cover the entire room, it certainly covered up the majority of it and I couldn't be happier!

Didn't they do a fantastic job?

It Is What It Is

In addition to our 2009 theme of "Believe", we seem to have adopted the motto "It is what it is" this year. It's amazing how those two themes are really tied together. Essentially, it is Believing that allows us to be able to step back and say "It is what it is - and I'm content with that"...

In my Lord, Change my Attitude bible study we have been studying the Israelites tendencies to complain despite the numerous times God proved himself faithful and good. How quickly I've seen myself behaving just like those Israelites and time and time again He provides - not always in the way I imagined He would, but in the way that only a Sovereign God would.

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I began the first two paragraphs of this blog last weekend and since then have had several opportunities to put feet to my faith. Monday night at Kelly Lopez's baby shower, I shared a little about what God was teaching me. The title of the devotion was "It is What it is" and focused on Philippians 4:11-13 "...I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

Tuesday morning I was working on my bible study which asked me to list 3 things I was grateful for. My #3 was "for the electricity that gives me the light I need to read my bible right now and the heat we need to be comfortable." 10 minutes later - the power went out. Seriously! Naturally, the next part of the study was asking if I would still be content without those things. Um, hello! Talk about immediate, practical application!

Then came Wednesday...My intent in beginning this post last weekend, was to finish by saying that although I knew the rains were coming despite our roof not being complete, I also trusted in a God that would be faithful - even if the rains came tumbling down...and boy did they - INSIDE even!

We had quite the indoor waterfall, which resulted in waterlogged carpet, sagging walls and a quick change in project scope.
I became quickly aware of my Israelite tendencies and felt God challenging me and growing me..."Do you still believe?" "Lord, I believe...Help my unbelief." "Am I enough?" "Lord, you are enough!" It was a difficult day of struggling with the Lord (and with my attitude). When everything was said and done, all Jimmy & I could do was step back and say "It is What it is"...we will be content whatever the situation and know that our God is Faithful! Thank you Jesus for the refining moments this week...those ones that opened my eyes to see that there will be many more "raining down" on me, as I have a long way to go!