Thursday, February 26, 2009

4 Months in Comparison

Jonathan is rapidly approaching the 4 month mark and we are constantly being questioned "Who DOES he look like anyway?" So I thought it would be fun to post pictures from when each of our kids were 4 months old...and I'll let you decide :)
(you'll have to click on the picture to see them closer up)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daddy's All Star

Jonathan has definitely discovered his voice in the last week or so. He is so happy to have little "conversations" with us and gets so animated with the exchange of sounds. He was just too adorable in his "Daddy's All Star" outfit on Sunday.

"No more pictures Mama!" Just had to throw this one in. Am I the only Mom who thinks their child is cute even when they cry? Though this doesn't show his cute little chin quiver or allow you to hear the sound of his voice, I never want to forget these little moments...even the tearful ones can be tender, wonderful memories!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Josiah's Gotee

Josiah discovered tonight what happens when you suck in really hard to suction a kids drinking cup to your mouth....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

President's Week Wrap-up

President's week got me really excited for summer to roll around. We had such great weather, spent several days out front playing with the neighbors and countless hours bouncing on the trampoline (Mommy included). Tuesday we went roller skating and have never seen so many kids on the rink at a time. The Zegers came with us and when we arrived we were greeted by the Starr's, Butterworth's and "James B." (one of James F.'s best friends from school). It was so much fun!

The next two days were spent playing with the Curreys. Those two days went by very quickly and were full of forts, nerf wars, video games, crafts and lots of outside time.

Another major milestone occured Presidents Week - Jonathan tried solid foods for the first time. Yet again, it was the older kids who proved more excited than he was. He is certainly not lacking in "cheerleading" in this household!

Though it was a full, fun week, we made sure to save plenty of time for some cuddling!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Memories

Valentines Day is always a very special day in our home and this year was certainly no exception. Jimmy and I did not argue when Abby instructed us to stay in bed until 9:55, although the time was later adjusted to 9:00 since it was taking too long to get to the originally scheduled time. When we walked out of our room, we noticed arrows taped throughout the house guiding us to the perfect seats to watch a special Valentine's Performance. Even Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer made an appearance singing about his Valentine Nose. After much applause, the show was concluded and we gave the kids their goodies from us.

Next it was time to make brunch. Saturday brunch has become a big deal in our house. Everyone has their part. Josiah is the master potato peeler, Abby then fries them up in a pan to make perfect hashbrowns. James helps Daddy with Belgian Waffles or holds Jonathan while Mommy cracks eggs. Aliya loves to stir and help set the table.

After brunch we enjoyed several lazy hours...Mommy and the girls worked on crafts, while the boys played and Daddy read through his hiking books to find new hikes to take the kids on this summer. Then it was off to the final Musical Performance at church. The kids were amazing ~ we were so proud of them.

Dinner, of course, was "fancy". This is the favorite part of Valentine's Day for our kids. One of the few times a year they get to eat on China plates and drink Sparkling Cider from fancy glasses by candlelight.
They each helped prepare Strawberry Shortcake for dessert - the older 3 sliced strawberries, while Aliya taste tested them (imagine that!)

One of the highlights of the day for me was bedtime...and not because that was when Jimmy & I got to kick back and watch a movie together, but because James had made a very special Valentine picture for me in the journal we share together. It was two stick figures with big hearts on their chests. He explained "This one is you and this one is me. What you can't see is an invisible line that connects our hearts together. Anytime I miss you, my string pulls on your heart so you can think about me too. That way we are always connected together."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Exersaucer Sittin'

Abby and James put together our exersaucer today, so our big boy could try it out for the first time. Not surprisingly, Jonathan proved more interested in Abby than in the toys in front of him. The other 4 kids thoroughly enjoyed playing with it though and hearing stories about their first time sitting in it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chitty Chatty Bang Bang

If you haven't had an opportunity to go see the Kids Praise Musical at church, you need to schedule a time to go see it. I love watching the kids singing their little hearts out for Jesus. There are some awfully cute little performers up there on stage too if I do say so myself...