Saturday, May 30, 2009

Les Gove Park

Today we met up with the Wagner's and Earnhardt's at Les Gove Park in Auburn. What a great day for some water fun!
Ready, Aim, Fire!!!

So, what do you think it a little cold?

It didn't take Aliya too long to warm up...or shall I say "cool down" at the park.

Jonathan's first time trying out the sprinklers.

What a little stud that Josiah is!

Getting Lisa wet with a BIG hug :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Let Summer Begin!

Summer is here & we are LOVING it!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Camping

I'll admit it, I was a little apprehensive about this year's camping season. The thought of packing everything up for five children, one of which is still waking up in the middle of the night (a night which could be only 30°) didn't sound very appealing. Fortunately, we are surrounded by an incredible group of encouraging and motivating friends.(sadly, we're missing quite a few people in this shot but it's the only "group" one we ended up with)

The preparations were so worth the effort. We had an amazing weekend full of sunshine, dear friends, hiking, river fun, biking and just hanging out enjoying our time together. We are anxiously awaiting our next trip!

As is customary, we spend our first afternoon hiking in the hills for the perfect firewood...which typically proves to be a large, dead tree. This year was certainly no exception. Then men came through and the kids were thrilled!

The boys love finding the largest rock they can possibly pick up. Here is Josiah with his trophy!

This was classic: Aliya saying "I nope dirty Mama!" Then I showed her a mirror. Shocked at what she saw, she asked "Who did that to me Mama?"

Do you think Jonathan is enjoying his first camping trip? I can't forget to add - Jonathan got his FIRST TWO TEETH while we were camping! YAY!!

One of the best parts of camping, time around the campfire and making s'mores!
Aliya sharing hers with Mr. Currey!

Cute cousins Juliana and Josiah

Not sure which I should be commenting hot husband or how cute Matt & Denise are together :)

Jonathan being thoroughly entertained by Ron!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Picture Day

Took the younger three to Kiddie Kandids today for their "birthday pictures". (Josiah's 5 year, Aliya's 3 year and Jonathan's 6 month). And yes, I know I have 2 other children, but how could I resist this picture? Good thing I have several pictures of just Abby and James together at these ages.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Moments

7:15 am - I hear the sounds of little feet tiptoeing to Daddy's side of the bed, then hear James whisper "Come on have to get up and help us make breakfast for Mom." Jimmy rolls over & says "That must be music to your ears." Then proceeds to head downstairs to help the kiddos.

7:30 am - Jonathan's awake, so I sneak into his room to feed him. (I'm supposed to still be in bed). I find myself choking up a little as I wonder, will this be the last Mother's Day I will spend nursing a baby? What a privilege to be a Mom...I am so blessed.

7:35 am - Back to reality. I pretend not to hear the kids fighting downstairs over who gets to slice the strawberries & who gets to help with waffles.

7:40 am - Sneak back into bed with 5 minutes to spare before Josiah and Aliya come in to play cars and Littlest Pets with Jonathan and me.

7:55 am - Surprise!!! I am greeted by a very well presented masterpiece. The kids had to use a large serving tray as my breakfast plate because there was so much to put on it. Notice the Belgain waffle is in the shape of a butterfly, with strategically placed strawberries as decorations. My buttered toast is decorated with 3 strips of bacon in the design of a match the floral centerpiece they arranged. All of which is perfectly balanced with a lovely glass of lemonade (I had to move the lemonade for the picture because there was too much to balance).
After breakfast, they began presenting the numerous crafts they had been working on throughout the week. They did such a wonderful job on everything and handed me each item one at a time with special care...what treasures they had made for me!

After church, they made me a meat & cheese sandwich with chips on the side. Then it was naptime! Need I say more? Loved that!! After naps, we went on a 1.7 walk (Jimmy had his GPS with him) and met a neat lady walking her two dogs. We spent quite awhile visiting with her and playing with Otter and Kyla. Then it was back home to do yardwork & visit with the neighbors. Our Architect stopped by in the middle of it with the drawings he plans to submit for permit tomorrrow (yay!!!) Finally, time for pizza, a movie & ice cream then it's off to bed for the kids. It has been a truly wonderful day, yet at the same time somewhat of a normal day too. I think that's what makes it even better...just enjoying a "down day" with my family and being able to soak in what a blessing it is to be called Mom. Thank you Jesus for this gift!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wonderful, Whirlwind Weekend

Friday night our 4 oldest had a slumber party date with their cousins Amanda & Elizabeth at Grandma & Grandpa Finnestad's house. They watched movies, ate Safeway Chinese and had a ball playing together. Jimmy & I took advantage of the fact we only had one child at home with us and met the Currey's for a double date. We watched Mall Cop at the $2 theater then hopped over to Marie Calendar's for dinner/dessert. It was so fun being "couples" together...the night flew by. Before we knew it, we realized employees were counting money in the till and the restaurant was pretty much vacant.

Saturday morning, we headed out early to pick up the kids. Abby & I had a Mother's Day brunch to attend with Grandma Hirst and Aunt Denise down at Stephanie Earnhardts church. Jimmy stayed behind with the other kids to spend time with his mom for Mother's Day.

The brunch was a blessing and we were challenged to consider what kind of "Spiritual Will" (or legacy) we are purposing to leave behind to our children and others who are watching us live. It was fun having Abby & Mikayla at our table. My mom & sister will be the first to tell you that there is truth to the statement "Never a dull moment at the Finnestads." Abby was rather giggly and talkative the entire way home. I wonder where she gets that from? Mom & Denise, don't forget to check your mail sometime in the next month :)

Immediately after the brunch, it was time to pack up and head to the Seattle Children's Museum to celebrate our next door neighbor's 3rd birthday. We haven't been there since the month before Josiah was born! The kids LOVED it!!

Here's James in 2004...and again 5 years later.
After the museum, we headed over to the fountain where we jokingly told the kids to "stay dry", knowing full well that was really not an option. What perfect weather for some fountain fun. Clearly, they loved every second of it and walked away soaking wet. Fortunately, we still had suitcases packed in the back of the car from their cousin's slumber party. Next it was off to dinner and REI before heading home to crash!

The weekend's not even over yet. Tomorrow is Mother's Day! I can only imagine what my little crew has up their sleeve for tomorrow. I will joyfully oblige my daughter's request to "stay in bed" in the morning until they are all ready. I suppose I will sleep in...if I have to :)